A Special 1:1 Mentorship Activating Your Priestess Archetype
10 weeks of Isis-overlighted etheric + online mentorship for your
A live-recorded, on-demand curriculum + private mentorship, available now.
Hosted by Amron Bevels & Activations with JJ.
• The 2023 Portal•
Recorded March-May, 2023.
Purchase special access to this curriculum, below.
What's Included:
2 Personal Acceleration Sessions w/ Amron
Light Language Activations by JJ Brighton *
Psychic Development
10 Modules of Curriculum
Private Coaching Lite w/ Amron
An Etheric Mentorship Guided by Your Higher Self
Proper Integration Support
Sacred Sisterhood inside our Community
We are here to walk with you across thresholds of your own initiations.
Certain aptitudes are emerging across the globe at this time.
These propensities are coming online, directly from the Priestess archetype template.
They involve an understanding of deep mysteries that span
the unseen elements,
energetic and spiritual laws,
conscious time travel,
various dimensional realities, and
planes of existence.
They connect us deeply with who we really are, our purpose, and the technologies that we carry within.
The Priestess Transmissions book opens a portal to Priestesshood unlike any other so that these aptitudes may awaken, activate, and cultivate in alignment with your mission on Earth.
* Light Language is a form of spirit-led communication that bypasses the conscious thinking mind. Applied with the utmost delicacy, honor for your sovereign spirit, and humility, our light language transmissions are here to support the activation and the acceptance of your divine rights, divine inheritance, as we powerfully activate the uncorrupted, divine feminine blueprint within.